Fidelity to Launch Mutual Fund Based on Hedge Fund Strategy
(Oct 2013)
We see it again and again: complex investment strategies packaged into traditionally conservative investments. We have seen corporate debt linked to exotic derivatives positions (structured products), exchange-traded products linked tocomplex futures positions (commodities and volatility ETPs), variable annuities linked to options strategies (structured product based variable annuities), and even certificates of deposit with complex payoff structures (structured CDs). Now, we are seeing more...
Regulators Impose Record Fine for Brokerage Firm's Supervisory Failures
(Jul 2013)
Yesterday evening, the Wall Street Journal reported that FINRA and several US exchanges fined the brokerage firm Newedge USA, LLC $9.5 million over alleged failures to adequately restrict automated client trading activity that "sought to manipulate U.S. markets for nearly four years." The trading activity took place on several exchanges including NYSE Euronext, NASDAQ OMX, and BATS Global Markets according to the WSJ article. FINRA's press release can be found on the FINRA website.
Foreign Exchange Rate Fixing
(Jun 2013)
Bloomberg News recently reported that traders at some of the world's largest banks have been in the business of rigging foriegn exchange (FX) rates. An FX rate essentially tells you how much of one currency you can buy with another currency: for example, currently you can buy about 100 Japanese yen for each US dollar. The rates affect "trillions of dollars of investments" according to Bloomberg, since they are used for the valuation of portfolios, derivatives, and even equity and fixed...
JP Morgan's New Incarnation of Non-Agency RMBS Weakens Provisions from Pre-Crisis Version
(Mar 2013)
Last week, the Wall Street Journal covered the first non-agency residential mortgage-backed security (RMBS) offering from JP Morgan since the financial crisis. This particular RMBS is a collateralized mortgage obligation (CMO) which is "supported by 752 jumbo mortgage loans [...] made to borrowers with high credit scores and with about 35% of their own money in a down payment for the property." JP Morgan originated nearly half of the mortgage pool (48%) and First Republic Bank originated...
SEC Under Pressure Regarding JOBS Act Provisions
(Oct 2012)
According to InvestmentNews, the SEC is being asked to abandon their new rules allowing hedge funds and other private placements to actively advertise to investors. We've discussed these issues before, as we think this could mark a significant change in how the public views this highly opaque and unregulated market. From the article:
Critics assert that the SEC proposed rule on private-fund advertising was too vague and would hurt investors by allowing them to be lured in by slick sales...
The JOBS Act and Private Placements
(Aug 2012)
The Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act (PDF) that was enacted this past April was ostensibly designed to increase investment opportunities by relaxing certain regulatory requirements on small businesses. There are several excellent reviews of the provisions of the JOBS Act, which not surprisingly is a lengthy and impenetrable document, and there has been considerable debate between proponents, who argue that increased investment opportunities can help support new business ventures...
WSJ on Innovation in Commodity ETFs
(Mar 2012)
Yesterday the Wall Street Journal ran an article about recent innovation in the commodity ETF space. Our work on commodity ETFs has focused on their use of constant-maturity rolling futures strategies, which incur a roll yield depending on conditions in the futures markets. Now, according to the WSJ, many ETF issuers are choosing more complex strategies to try to mitigate these and other effects in commodities markets:
Some of these new products use complex formulas to identify commodities...
WSJ: Private-Equity Fund in Valuation Inquiry
(Feb 2012)
There is an article in the Wall Street Journal today concerning the alleged exaggeration of an asset's value in a private-equity fund. From the article:
The potential exaggeration in the [Oppenheimer Global Resource Private Equity Fund LP] grew to more than $4 million, according to documents shared with Oppenheimer investors. The bulk of this markup came as the fund was reaching out to potential investors in the fall of 2009, and helped push the fund's reported internal rate of return to 38%,...
In the News: Structured Notes
(Aug 2010)
Structured Notes Are Wall Street's `Next Bubble,' Whalen Says
Bloomberg issued a news release today discussing the topic of a structured products bubble in Wall Street. According Christopher Whalen, managing director of Institutional Risk Analytics, the sale of structured products allows the selling firms to make bets on interest rates. Furthermore, they are illiquid products for which firms are not obligated to make markets and hence provide liquidity when these products might need them...