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Displaying 41-50 out of 52 results for "ERS".

SLCG Research: Futures-Based Commodity ETFs

SLCG released today a new study about Futures-Based Commodity ETFs. In the past decade the price of commodities has increased substantially and many investors have wanted to diversify their portfolios by including commodities. The most common way to invest in commodities is by buying futures contracts, which requires a good understanding of the pricing of futures contract and specific features of the futures market.

In the past few years we have seen many firms offer Commodity Exchange...

SLCG Research: Leveraged Municipal Bond Arbitrage

SLCG released today 'Leveraged Municipal Bond Arbitrage: What Went Wrong?'. Leveraged municipal bond arbitrage is a strategy employed by fixed income hedge funds. This strategy buys long term municipal bonds and sells or shorts long term Treasury bonds while hedging with interest rate swaps. The strategy would seek to profit from the difference in the rates it receives from the municipal bonds and the rates it pays on the Treasury bonds and interest rate swaps.

Brokers marketed hedge...

SLCG Research: Auction Rate Securities

SLCG released today 'Auction Rate Securities'.

Auction rate securities were first issued in the mid-1980s by corporations. Over the next two decades ARS were issued widely by institutions ranging from closed-end mutual funds, municipalities to student loan trusts. ARS were long-term floating rate securities whose coupon payments were determined at auctions that were typically held every 7 to 35 days. ARS were long-term securities with short-term floating rates.

Broker dealers marketed...

SLCG Research: Leveraged ETFs

SLCG released today 'Leveraged ETFs, Holding Periods and Investment Shortfalls'.

Exchange-Traded Funds is an investment fund that holds stocks, bonds, or commodities and typically tracks specific indices of such asset classes. Leveraged and inverse leveraged ETFs were first introduced to the market in June 2006 by ProFunds, which promiseds to return a multiple of the underlying index return by rebalancing their portfolios at the end of each day. The total market value of leveraged and...

SLCG Research: Principal Protected Notes

SLCG released today 'The Anatomy of Principal Protected Absolute Return Notes'.

Structured products are debt securities that often have unconventional and complex payoff structures. Their payoffs are often linked to a security or index, such as the S&P 500 or the Russell 2000, with asset classes ranging from equity, commodities, currencies and debt. A Principal Protected Absolute Return Barrier Note (ARBN) is one structured product that returns the absolute value of the return of the...

SLCG Research: Preferred Stock Portfolios

SLCG released today 'The Risks of Preferred Stock Portfolios'.

Preferred stocks have characteristics similar to both debt and equity. Like debt, preferred stocks make fixed or floating dividend payments similar to coupon payments of debt. Like equity, the dividend payments are not an obligation of the issuer and a failure to make dividend payments does not constitute a default. Holders of preferred stocks have claims on the income and assets of the issuing company before common equity...

SLCG Research: Reverse Convertibles

SLCG released today 'What TiVo and J.P. Morgan teach us about Reverse Convertibles'.

Structured products are debt securities that often have unconventional and complex payoff structures. Their payoffs are often linked to a security or index, such as the S&P 500 or the Russell 2000, with asset classes ranging from equity, commodities, currencies to debt. A reverse convertible note is an equity-linked structured product. It is a short-term note that pays a relatively high coupon rate...

SLCG Research: Mutual Fund's Term

SLCG released today 'What Does a Mutual Fund's Term Tell Investors?'

Bond mutual funds are classified by Morningstar as ultra short, short, intermediate or long-term. Bond mutual funds have found a way to hold long-term bonds while being classified as ultra-short or short.

In this paper, we demonstrate how the losses suffered by these funds in 2008 can be explained by the increasing credit risks of holding long-term bonds. Furthermore, we find that the classification of these funds as...

SLCG Research: Charles Schwab YieldPlus

SLCG released today 'Charles Schwab YieldPlus Risk'

This paper reports on the Charles Schwab YieldPlus, a bond fund. YieldPlus returned -31.7% between June 2007 and June 2008. Though it told investors that it was an ultra short bond fund, it was in fact an ultra long bond fund. It held securities backed by illiquid long-term private label mortgages, violating concentration and liquidity limits stated in its prospectus. Up until 2007, these securities helped YieldPlus generate...

SLCG Research: Abuse of Structured Finance

SLCG released today 'Regions Morgan Keegan: The Abuse of Structured Finance'.

Six Regions Morgan Keegan (RMK) bond funds lost $2 billion in 2007. In the paper, we argue that the loss was not due to 'flight to quality' or 'mortgage meltdown' but to RMK's portfolio concentration in subordinated tranches of asset-backed securities.

We also find that RMK misrepresented to investors and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in several ways. Firstly, RMK did not disclose to the SEC...

52 Results
