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Displaying 2 out of 2 results for "BrokerCheck".

RIA Insurance Mandates Didn't Reduce Access to Advisory Services

By Craig McCann and Chuan Qin

You can download a PDF of this article to print or email here


Errors and omissions (E&O) insurance can help fund resolution of customer complaints against investment advisers. Many advisors are not insured or have minimal insurance, choosing to fund settlements and awards directly at the risk a particularly costly resolution might bankrupt the advisor. When advisors are unable to pay an adverse judgment, the investor suffers more than the...

2024 Brokerage Firm Risk Rankings

By Craig McCann, Chuan Qin and Mike Yan

We previously published two papers ranking brokerage firms based on the complaint history associated with their current brokers and the complaints associated with brokers who they employed at the time of the conduct being complained about, wherever those brokers are currently employed.

We recently updated our analysis of complaints against brokerage firms and found that our earlier results were extremely useful for identifying brokerage firms likely...

2 Results
